When you’re an entrepreneur, it’s not unusual for no workweek to be like the rest.
The unpredictability of the typical self-employed lifestyle can feel liberating at times but then stressful at others. However, one of the best ways to help yourself keep it all together and energized to work is by getting organized. The year is almost over, but there’s still time left to get back on track and ready to face whatever the rest of 2021 has in store.
I’ve rounded up a few tried-and-true tips for getting organized and boosting your efficiency at work, so read on to discover a few ways to improve your workspace and flow!
Asses your workspace.
Do a sweep of your desk and workspace, and remove any clutter or items you don’t use daily. Eliminating these distractions means more space for clarity and productivity!
Focus on one task at a time.
Multitasking kills your productivity. Instead of splitting attention between tasks, block out time in your day to complete one project at a time. It’ll save you time and improve your quality of work.
Find a planner that works for you.
Digital planners are all the hype nowadays, but if you prefer writing important notes down in a physical planner, go for it! Find a planner that makes you excited about getting organized.
Use iPhone reminders.
Do important dates or meetings easily slip your mind even when you write them down? You’re not the only one, so take advantage of iPhone reminders to keep you on top of everything.
What goals do you have left to accomplish before the year is out? Let me know in the comments!