Does anyone else get the afternoon blues where you feel like you’ve just hit a wall? Or maybe you always have that one weekly meeting that always leaves you stressed. Whatever your source of workday woes are, my point is, we all experience them. Having a stress and anxiety-free workweek sounds farfetched, but we can still do ourselves a favor and take care of ourselves when we feel overwhelmed at work.
This week, when you start to feel your stress levels rise, try out these four methods to help yourself de-stress and find clarity:
Fit a workout in.
The easiest way to naturally release your stress is by moving your body to get your endorphins flowing! So treat yourself to a longer than usual break and go on a walk, or hit the gym the next time you’re feeling fed up.
Practice deep breathing.
Don’t have time to squeeze a walk-in? Then breathe in deep through your nose, hold it, and then slowly release your breath. This will help increase your oxygen flow and reduce your stress. Repeat until you feel it working!
Move your work outdoors.
Sometimes all it takes is a change of scenery to ease the mind, so get outdoors to soak up some Vitamin D and stress-free vibes. Working in nature can help increase your concentration, too, so your productivity levels will thank you!
Call a friend.
An instantaneous de-stressor is the encouraging voice of a loved one, so call someone up and tell them what’s going on. A quick call with a friend could be just the pick-me-up you needed.
Try these tricks out for yourself, and see if managing your stress at work becomes easier! And of course, don’t forget to share with me your favorite ways to de-stress at work below.